Risk Management Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the MSJC Workers' Compensation (WC) Program
A. No, call 911 or have a co-worker call 911.
A. Immediately report all work related injuries and illnesses to your immediate supervisor. There will be a packet of workers' compensation forms to complete. It will contain the following:
Instructions for the injured employee
Employee Statement of Occupational Injury or Illness
Workers compensation Claim form (DWC-1)
Employee Notification of Rights
Covered Employees notification of rights material acknowledgement
A. Please submit all paperwork from your initial appointment and follow up appointments to your supervisor. Your supervisor will then forward to Nicole Piña, Director of Regulatory Compliance, via email at npina@msjc.edu.
A. It is important to know any time spent during a workers' compensation related doctor appointment is counted toward the 60 days of industrial accident leave available through the California Education Code. For example, an hour doctor appointment with a 15 minute travel time each way will equate to one (1) day being deducted from the 60 day time period. We encourage all employees to make appointments outside of the work day, when possible, to preserve additional time in case it is needed for future absences related to this injury.
A. It is the employee's responsibility to adhere to the work restrictions described on the work status report. Communicate with your supervisor and Human Resources to make the necessary arrangements for accommodations in the work environment. If you have questions pertaining to your accommodations, please address them immediately with the treating physician. The restrictions placed by your physician must be adhered to not only at work but also at home therefore expediting a quick recovery. It is very important to MSJC that your quality of life is not impacted.
A. Risk Management wants to ensure all benefits are provided in a timely manner and your questions or concerns regarding workers' compensation are addressed.
A. Please meet with your supervisor to discuss the incident/illness and complete the declination of medical treatment form. During this meeting you will be given the workers' compensation claim form (DWC-1), this form will be necessary if you decide to file the claim at a later time; employees have within one year of the date of injury.