Academic Warning and Notice Counseling
If you are a student who has been placed on Warning or Notice and would like to receive assistance to help you get back on track, the Virtual Steps to Academic Success Workshops are available!
Understanding Academic Standing
What is Academic Standing?
At the conclusion of each semester, a student's completion rate and grade point average are calculated. These calculations are the college's method to determining a student's academic standing and eligibility to continue enrollment at Mt. San Jacinto College.
What are the three categories of Academic Standing?
There are three types of academic standing which a student can be placed under, those standings are Good Standing, Warning and Notice.
Students who are in Good Academic Standing have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 (or above) in all coursework and have completed 50% (or more) of the units in which they have enrolled in.
Academic standing is not calculated until students have completed 12 units of coursework. At the end of every fall and spring semester, the college calculates a student's academic standing.
The quality of a student's academic performance is measured by both the GPA and the student's progress. Progress is measured by comparing the number of units completed with the number of units attempted and are monitored to determine a student's status.
A student who is below the minimum standard will be placed on warning for academic or progress performance.
A student who fails to meet the minimum Standards of Academic Progress following a warning semester.
A student who has been academically noticed must complete the academic appeal process to be reinstated.
Types of Warning
There are two types of probation in which a student can fall under, that is Academic Warning and/or Progress Warning.
- Academic Warning: Students who are on Academic Warning have attempted at least 12 units with a cumulative GPA below 2.0.
- Progress Warning: Students who are on Progress Warning have attempted to complete 12 or more units, however, have unsuccessfully completed 50% of all units in which a student has enrolled and will receive non-evaluative symbols of "W”, "I","NC", and/or “NP”.
Academic Warning 1: When a student's GPA has dropped below a 2.0, they are on Academic Warning.
Academic Warning 2: When a student's GPA has dropped below a 2.0 for two consecutive semesters, they lose their registration priority and California College Promise Grant eligibility.
Academic Notice: If a student's cumulative GPA stays below 2.0 after a third semester, the student will be placed on notice and may be required to sit out one semester.
Progress Warning 1: When a student has attempted less than 50% of the overall courses attempted, they are now on Progress Warning.
Progress Warning 2: When a student has attempted less than 50% of the overall courses attempted for two consecutive semesters, they they lose their registration priority and California College Promise Grant eligibility.
Progress Notice: If this cumulative, non-completion percentage remains at 50% or more after a third semester, the student will be placed on Notice and may be required to sit out one semester
Facing Notice
Students on Academic or Progress Warning may be dismissed for one semester when one or more of the following conditions exists:
- The student has earned a cumulative grade point average of less than 2.0 for three
consecutive semesters.
Note: Students who have earned a GPA above a 1.75 in their third consecutive semester will not be dismissed, but will be placed on a third semester of warning.
- The student has received non-evaluative symbols of "W", "I", "NC", and/or “NP” in 50% or more of the units for which he/she was enrolled for three consecutive semesters
Students may be required to remain out of college one semester, excluding the summer term, but may return on warning status after one semester's absence.
A noticed student may submit an appeal to Enrollment Services for permission to enroll without loss of one semester if the student feels that the cause for the notice reflects extenuating circumstances. The burden of written documentation in support of these circumstances remains with the student.
A student may submit a petition to Enrollment Services for readmission following a dismissal if their notice arises from one of the following:
- Extenuating Circumstances: Extenuating circumstances are verified cases of accident, illness, or other personal circumstances.
- Military services obligations: Student must provide military orders
- Conditions that may be rectified by a change of curriculum: Student must provide an updated educational plan from a counselor, indicating a change in program of study would significantly impact a student's success rate
Note: Students who will need to provide an updated educational plan will need to make an hour long appointment with the Counseling department
The following is a list of resources you may find helpful as you work towards getting back to Good Academic Standing.