Scholarship Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I send my scholarship check to? Students and donors may send scholarship checks to the following address:
Mt. San Jacinto College
Attn: Business Services
41888 Motor Car Parkway
Temecula, CA 92591
Do I have to be a student at MSJC to Apply? You need to have applied for admission and been assigned a My MSJC account.
Why do I have to have a MY MSJC account? This is how we confirm your identity when you apply for scholarships.
Do I need to complete the FAFSA? Yes and no. You need to complete the FAFSA for scholarships that are considered “need-based” or mentions something like “financial need required” in the description. For scholarships that are not considered “need-based”, you will not need to complete the FAFSA. However, it is always a good idea to complete the FAFSA to determine if there is any financial aid available to you, even if you don't think you will qualify (you may be surprised).
Do I have to have a high GPA to apply for scholarships? Not necessarily. While academic performance is a criterion for many scholarships, there are some that do not consider a high GPA as part of the eligibility process. Many only require a 2.5.
Can I save my application and come back later? Yes, click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the application.
I looked at my Import information and it is incorrect. How do I correct the information? To help with matching you to scholarships, some information is imported into your scholarship application directly from our college system. We import the information a few times during the scholarship application period. If it is incorrect, you will need to check with the Admissions and Records office regarding how to correct your information in our college system such as name, address, home college, etc. Many items can be corrected on Self-Service.
I entered my essay, but I made a mistake. Can I correct it? Yes. You can edit your essay at any time within the scholarship application up until the deadline.
Can I change the answers to the questions on my general application? Yes, you may edit your answers up until the deadline.
How do I get a recommendation for scholarships? You need to think of someone (preferable an instructor, counselor, employer) who can attest to your academic and/or personal strengths and ask them if they would be willing to provide a scholarship recommendation. Ask them for their email and enter it in the scholarship application where indicated. They will then receive an email from the scholarship system and will be able to log into the system and complete a recommendation in your scholarship application. You only need one recommendation to apply for scholarships, but you may request a second recommendation.
How can I tell if the recommendation I requested has been provided? At the top of your scholarship home page, click on “References.” You will then see a list of the people from which you have requested a recommendation/reference. It will say “Requested” or “Submitted.” If it says “Submitted” the recommendation has been received and will be visible to the review committee. If it says “Requested” the recommendation has not been provided. You then have the option of sending a reminder email. Remember those from whom you request a recommendation have the right to decline the request or just not complete it. That is why it is always a good idea to have one or two others in mind as a back-up to provide the recommendation. Also, don't forget to ask in plenty of time for them to be able to submit it on time.
How do I get a copy of my unofficial transcript? To request a copy of your unofficial transcript, go to Student Self-Service and click on Student Planning, select Unofficial Transcripts. You will not be able to save the transcript to your desktop, so you need to print it out, scan it and then save it to your desktop or a memory device. Then, you will be able to upload the copy into your application. You can also request Official Transcripts.
How do I know if my application is complete? On your main scholarship page after you log in, you will see your General Application and it will say “Submitted.” Anything that says “Drafted” is not complete and requires more attention or information from you. Please pay attention to any messages at the top of your home scholarship page.
Oops the deadline passed, can I submit my application late? Sorry, but the system will shut down and you will not be able to apply late. Please start early and don't wait until the last minute.
How can I know what scholarship opportunities I was automatically matched to? You are matched to scholarships for which you meet the criteria (that is why we ask you so many questions in the application!). After you are matched to scholarships there are two types. One type of matched scholarship (referred to as “Auto-Match”) does not require any further action on your part and you will be considered for those scholarships. However, you will not see a list of those scholarships. The other type of matched scholarships (referred to as “Apply-To”) will need extra information and action from you to determine further eligibility. These will show up on your home scholarship page and you will need to detail into each one to complete the application process to be considered for these scholarships. When the status of the scholarship shows as “Submitted” you are done applying for the scholarship. If it says “Drafted” further action is needed and you will not be considered for the scholarship until it is complete.
Why do some scholarship opportunities have an award amount and other opportunities say “varies”? The scholarship opportunities that list the amount as “varies” are scholarships that the award amount can change from year to year and we do not yet know the amount at the time of application. You will be notified of the amount when you are offered the scholarship.
How are scholarship recipients selected? The method of selecting MSJC scholarship recipients is determined by the donor of the scholarship funds. The applications may be reviewed by a donor committee or by the MSJC Foundation Scholarship Committee. The MSJC Foundation Committee is made up of MSJC Foundation directors who are committed to equality and fairness for all applicants as well as selecting the applicant who best fits the donor's requirements and scholarship criteria.
How do I know if I am selected as a scholarship recipient? If you are selected as a recipient of a scholarship, you will be offered the scholarship(s) in the scholarship system website. The system will send an email to your student email account with information regarding the scholarship offer. You will need log into the scholarship system to accept the scholarship award, and then you will receive more information regarding eligibility, disbursement and the recognition event.
What If I am not selected as a recipient? If you are not selected as a recipient of a scholarship, you will not receive an offer email from the scholarship system. On your scholarship page in the scholarship system, you will see the scholarship status listed as “Not Selected.” However, please know that your application will remain active in case a new scholarship comes available or alternates are needed for scholarships for which the original recipient is no longer eligible.
Do I have to attend the scholarship award ceremony? If you are selected as a scholarship recipient you are required to attend the scholarship recognition event. Often, the donor of the scholarship and/or their families or representatives will want to meet you, so please make every effort to attend. There have also been times when the donor has requested that the scholarship be given to an alternate due to the recipient not attending the ceremony. If you are unable to attend due to circumstances beyond your control, please notify the Foundation in advance so that we can let the donor know why you are not in attendance.
Do I have to write a Thank You letter? It is always a good idea to show your gratitude as a recipient of scholarship funds to those who have unselfishly provided those funds. It also shows respect and good manners on your part. However, there are many scholarships where a thank you letter is required and the scholarship funds will not be disbursed until the letter is received. There is a place in the scholarship application to type in your thank you letter once you have been offered and accepted the scholarship. Don't let not writing a thank you letter be a reason your scholarship funds are not disbursed or delayed!
Can I lose my scholarship? Possibly. After the fall semester, the units completed and the current cumulative GPA are reviewed for all recipients of continuing scholarships. If a recipient of a scholarship does not meet the donor's requirements for each scholarship, they will be found ineligible to receive the spring portion of their scholarship. So, if the scholarship you were awarded requires a 3.0 GPA, you need to maintain a 3.0 GPA. And, if the scholarship requires full time enrollment, you need to complete 12 units in the fall semester to receive your spring portion. While we make every effort to disburse the scholarship funds, some scholarship criteria are stricter than others.
How will I get my scholarship money? After a student's scholarship has been posted, they can anticipate their scholarship funds being disbursed during the first two weeks of the semester and sent via check in the mail to the address on file. In order to receive a timely disbursement, students must be enrolled in the required units and meet all donor specified eligiblity criteria. If your disbursement is delayed, scholarship funds will be disbursed bi-monthly through the semester.
If you were awarded a scholarship and are transferring institutions, please refer to the Transferring Scholarships page for more information.
Oops, I thought I was transferring but now I will attend MVC, NC or RCC, what happens
now? If you were awarded a scholarship as a student transferring from MSJC based on the
information provided on your scholarship application and you had planned to transfer
but now will be continuing at MSJC , please notify the Foundation at You may or may not be eligible for the scholarship depending on the donor's criteria.
Unfortunately, some scholarships are designated only for continuing or transfer students.