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Component Three: Embedded Tutoring Support

What is Embedded Tutoring?

Embedded tutoring is the single, best way to make tutoring inescapable for students. Rather than waiting for students to come to the Learning Center, hoping they find out where the location is and then have the courage to enter, tutoring is brought to the student where there is a 100% chance that they will have some interaction with a tutor. Tutoring empowers individuals to become independent learners and critical thinkers. Tutors are academic coaches who provide a supportive environment for students to understand new or challenging material using innovative learning and study strategies. 

What is an Embedded Tutor?

An embedded tutor is a peer student who works closely with the instructor throughout the course to help students understand course concepts and enhance student engagement. Embedded tutors will be in attendance and active in every class session of the course, offering just-in-time assistance for students as well as assisting in achieving the learning goals and outcomes of the class in general. The embedded tutor functions as a mentor and a model for successful academic strategies and habits. Embedded tutors use “best practices” learned during the tutor training they receive at the beginning of the semester of employment, that are written in this document, and their own experiences. 

Primary Goals of Embedded Tutoring

  • To help students understand course concepts and enhance student engagement.  
  • To inspire students by having a class tutor who also acts as a guide and models academic behavior.  
  • To give students a chance for more individualized attention and feedback during class activities.  
  • To expose students to tutoring who may not seek it otherwise.  
  • To improve a student's self and academic efficacy.  
  • To improve retention, persistence, and student success.  
  • To support the growth of MSJC tutors in their educational and professional goals and offer a rewarding experience that will allow them to build their interpersonal and leadership skills through mentorship by an experienced instructor. 

Number of Embedded Tutoring Course Sections since Fall 2021

Semester Math 105 Math 110 Math 140 Support Courses (Math 083, 083, 084) Total Number of Sections

Fall 2021 


Spring 2021 


Summer 2022 

Fall 2022 


Spring 2023 



Summer 2023 


Fall 2023 



Spring 2024 
