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Use of School Facilities Request


Each requester wishing to use college facilities must submit a completed Application for Use of District Facilities and adhere to the following:  

  1. Each requesting organization shall designate a contact person to be responsible for any theft or damage to equipment and/or facilities. The same person will also be responsible for providing the certificate of insurance listing the District as an additional insured, confirming setup and equipment requirements and initiating rental fee payment. 
  2. The Application must be submitted to the Maintenance & Operations Office no less than 30 days prior to the requested event date. 
  3. By submitting the application, the authorized administrator of the requesting organization affirms their understanding of the regulations stated below.  
  4. At least five (5) working days prior to the event the following must be received:  
    1. A certificate of insurance with combined single limit liability policy of $1,000,000* in which Mt. San Jacinto Community College District is listed as additional insured (may not be required for a MSJC sponsored event), the District has the right to require a higher insurance amount at the District's discretion and;  
    2. Full payment for the use of facilities. 
  5. The event will be cancelled by the District if payment and/or insurance documentation is not received five (5) working days prior to the event with no refund to be provided.  
  6. At the District's discretion, a security deposit may be required. Any damage to District equipment or facilities would be deducted from the deposit, with the remainder returned. If there are no damages, the deposit will be returned in full.  

Submit a Use of School Facilities Request



Facility Type:  Non-Profit Cost  Commercial Cost 

Classroom—Seating up to 40 

$ 45.00 per hour 

$ 70.00 per hour 

Classroom—Seating over 45 

$ 55.00per hour 

$ 75.00 per hour 

Computer Classroom—Max Seating 30 

$ 60.00per hour 

$ 90.00 per hour 

Cafeteria/Dining Room 

$ 100.00 per hour 

$ 200.00 per hour 

Large Lecture/Auditorium—Seats over 45 

$ 100.00 per hour 

$ 200.00 per hour 

Theatre—Seating up to 300 (San Jacinto Campus Only)

$ 150.00 per hour 

$ 225.00 per hour 


$ 100.00 per hour 

$ 100.00 per hour 

Shower/Locker Room—Per side 

$ 100.00 per day 

$ 150.00 per day 

Conference Room—Max Seating 30 

$ 40.00per hour 

$ 60.00 per hour 

Conference Room—Seating over 45 

$ 60.00 per hour 

$ 80.00 per hour 

Gymnasium—Max Seating 776 (San Jacinto Campus Only)

$ 100.00 per hour 

$ 150.00 per hour 

Football Field/Track 

$ 100.00 per hour 

$ 150.00 per hour 

Soccer Field 

$ 100.00 per hour 

$ 150.00 per hour 

Baseball Field (San Jacinto Campus Only)

$ 100.00 per hour 

$ 150.00 per hour 

Tennis Courts (per court) (San Jacinto Campus Only)

$ 50.00 per hour 

$ 75.00 per hour 

Parking Lot 

$ 100.00 per hour 

$ 150.00 per hour 


Additional charges (as required): 

Custodial fees: Custodian(s) are required to be present for all events 

$ 60.00 per hour/staff 

Audio Visual Fees: An audiovisual technician is required to be present when sounds system or special lighting is required. 

$ 60.00 per hour/tech 

Grounds Keeper: The District, depending upon the event, may require grounds keeper(s). 

$ 40.00 per hour/staff 

Computer Technician: A computer technician is required to be present when computer equipment is required. 

$ 60.00 per hour/tech 

Campus Safety Officer(s)(CSO): May be required for certain events at the District's discretion. 

$ 60.00 per hour/CSO 



  1. No group or organization may use District property for purposes that discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation, or the perception that a person has one or more of the foregoing characteristics or because a person associates with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics or on any basis prohibited by law.  
  2. The requesting organization is responsible for the conduct its participants while they are on MSJC premises. All MSJC rules and regulations must be adhered to. 
  3. MSJC officials have the right to terminate the use of District facilities immediately and without notice upon its discovery of a violation of any term, condition or provision of this policy.  
  4. The requesting organization is required to furnish such supervision and law officers as the MSJC administration determines is necessary for the protection of individuals, property and to the enforcement of these regulations.  
  5. The event is not to interfere in any manner with the normal activities of the college.  
  6. Parking is restricted to the following parking lots: San Jacinto Campus lots B, C & D; Menifee Campus lots A, B, C & D at the cost of $2.00 per day, per vehicle. No vehicles are to enter upon or drive on any part of the campus without expressed written permission of the college district.  
  7. MSJC has a strict no smoking/tobacco policy.  
  8. MSJC does not allow animals on campus, with the exception of qualified service animals per California Penal Code Section 365.5, subsections (a), (b), (c), and (d).  
  9. No alcoholic beverage may be brought onto or consumed on any MSJC campus.  
  10. Requesting organization's participants are restricted to such facilities as permission for use has been granted, including restrooms.  
  11. Requesting organization's participants are required to conform to any requests or directions given by district Campus Safety Officer (CSO), Custodian, Grounds Keeper or Technician in charge, regarding the use and proper care of all MSJC property.  
  12. MSJC must approve any decorations, props, equipment or other devices brought onto the premises. A fire retardant certificate may be required for decorations. No decorations may be attached to buildings or equipment without prior approval and supervision of a District representative.  
  13. The requesting organization is responsible for the removal and proper disposal of all decorations, props, equipment or other devices used in connection with an event immediately after the event. A minimum fee of $200 or the actual clean-up cost will be charged to the organization should District personnel need to clean, whichever is higher.
  14. Requesting organization is responsible for return of facilities to the same conditions as they were at the time of entry except for normal sweeping and final disposal of trash.
  15. Requesting organization is responsible for and shall be liable for any damage to college property or equipment, including repairs or replacement made necessary by the negligence of or misuse of the requester.
  16. No activity shall be conducted which constitutes a violation of any federal, state, or local law 

Indemnification and Hold Harmless

The Requesting Organization utilizing District facilities will indemnify and hold harmless Mt. San Jacinto Community College District and its Board of Trustees, officers, directors, employees, representatives, agents, and volunteers from and against any and all claims, actions, causes of action, demands or liabilities of whatsoever kind and nature, including judgements, interest, reasonable attorney fees, and all other costs, fees, expenses, and charges (collectively, “Claims”) to the extent that such Claims arise out of or were caused by the negligence, gross negligence or the willful misconduct of the indemnifying Party or from any breach of the Agreement by the indemnifying Party. 

For additional information please contact Gloria Escalante at  Thank you.