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Title IX Office

Kristin Gonzalez
Mt. San Jacinto College
Human Resources
Temecula Valley Campus
41888 Motor Car Parkway
Temecula, CA 92591

Important Title IX Update: On January 9, 2025, the 2024 Title IX Final Rule was vacated nationally in a decision by the US District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky. Therefore, as of January 9, 2025, the 2024 Title IX Final Rule is no longer in effect and the 2020 Title IX Regulations are in effect. We are working to identify any changes that need to be made to align our policy with the law, best practices, and our community values.

Mt. San Jacinto Community College District is committed to providing an academic and work environment free of unlawful sexual harassment and discrimination under federal law, state law, and District policy.

The Title IX Office provides access to support, information, and resources for those who experience sex or gender-based misconduct including, but not limited to:

  • Sexual harassment
  • Sexual assault
  • Dating violence
  • Domestic violence
  • Stalking
  • Sexual violence
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Sex-Based Discrimination

Title IX requires that an educational institution receiving federal funds designate a Title IX Coordinator to oversee the institution's compliance with federal law. The Title IX Coordinator also ensures compliance with California law in accordance with SB 493.

What the Title IX Office Can Do to Help

The Title IX Coordinator is trained to receive and respond to reports from individuals who have experienced, witnessed, or heard about an incident of sex or gender-based misconduct. The Title IX Coordinator can assist members of the MSJC community with:

  • Understanding options for next steps based on what was reported
  • Accessing supportive measures including, but not limited to, mental health counseling, campus escort services, and course-related adjustments
  • Connecting with off-campus resources like local agencies offering specialized services for survivors and victims of a crime
  • Reporting to law enforcement and seeking protective orders when desired
  • Understanding the grievance process and applicable rights

The Title IX Coordinator is a nonconfidential resource. Consultation is available to those who contact the Title IX Office anonymously, however, there may be an obligation to respond if a person who experienced or engaged in sex or gender-based misconduct is identified.

In-Person and Virtual Training Sessions

The Title IX Office facilitates live (in-person or virtual) training sessions for students and employees on various topics throughout the year. Past training topics include:

Trainings for Students

  • Consent and Boundaries
  • Creating a Safe and Healthy Community
  • Bystander Intervention

Trainings for Employees

  • Responding to Sex or Gender-Based Misconduct Involving Students
  • Trauma-Informed Practices to Support Students


Interested in requesting training for a student or employee group?  Email for information about how a training can be customized specifically for your group.

Training Materials

In compliance with Title IX, Mt. San Jacinto Community College District is required to make publicly available all materials used for training Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and individuals who facilitate the informal resolution process. 

Use this link to Report Sexual Harassment or Other Sex or Gender-Based Misconduct or report an incident directly to Kristin Gonzalez by email at or by calling 951-374-0539.