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About the MSJC Foundation

Mt. San Jacinto College Foundation

The MSJC Foundation provides financial assistance to support student success and MSJC initiatives. The Foundation provides scholarships and mini-grants to MSJC students and faculty and offers assistance through programs such as the Pledge for Success with funds raised from the private and public sectors. 

As a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)3 corporation, the Foundation helps underwrite programs and facilities at MSJC that cannot be funded through other means and awards grants and scholarships to students.

Comprised of community leaders who volunteer to work with college staff to support MSJC's specific needs, the Foundation manages endowments and other assets of more than $3.5 million, which will provide educational dividends for generations and support scholarships, textbooks and supplies, classroom needs and equipment. Since 1983, the Foundation has funded more than $3.5 million in scholarships and other support services to the MSJC community. 

Our Mission:

The MSJC Foundation's mission is to enhance the quality of District initiatives and programs by securing public and private funding to reduce barriers.

Our Vision:

Create a culture of philanthropy to support our MSJC students on their academic journey(s) and in pursuit of their personal and career development.

Our Values:

Support: We provide resources that remove barriers to promote student success.

Equity: We respect and support the diversity, equity and inclusion of MSJC students, administration, faculty and classified professionals.

Collaboration: We build relationships and connect donors with opportunities that empower MSJC students where equity and excellence are transforming communities and lives.

Stewardship: We respect our donors through continued fiscal responsibility.

Award Recipients